Postman Pat is a television animation serial for English children, once produced by Woodland Animation. It tells about Pat Clifton, postman in Greendale fiction village (inspired by Longsleddale real valley in Cumbria).
Postman Pat has broadcasted in Indonesia in 1993s if I didn’t wrong (I forgot when it exactly for long time). This film was my entertainment and I almost always watch it even though I didn’t understood and difficult to knew the story, because I was in elementary school. It has funny animation picture, just not like the other film (that time there was Charlie Chalk that was similar film). It made me wonder how to make it, like the other cartoon or doll-moving used.
A few years ago, there was a film (I forgot the title), that was made by doll-moving in every scene and moved by photograph method, that was mean that in every scene the dolls were taken the picture and joined the photos finally. So if there was a scene to lift the hand, in every hand moved it was took the picture and then animated. It was almost looked like cartoon film but it wasn’t draw, but by photos.
Then I was imagine, maybe Postman Pat or Charlie Chalk have same way. If we watch how natural Pat Clifton’s move; how many are photos to make one film serial?
'Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat, and his black and white cat'
Postman Pat has broadcasted in Indonesia in 1993s if I didn’t wrong (I forgot when it exactly for long time). This film was my entertainment and I almost always watch it even though I didn’t understood and difficult to knew the story, because I was in elementary school. It has funny animation picture, just not like the other film (that time there was Charlie Chalk that was similar film). It made me wonder how to make it, like the other cartoon or doll-moving used.
A few years ago, there was a film (I forgot the title), that was made by doll-moving in every scene and moved by photograph method, that was mean that in every scene the dolls were taken the picture and joined the photos finally. So if there was a scene to lift the hand, in every hand moved it was took the picture and then animated. It was almost looked like cartoon film but it wasn’t draw, but by photos.
Then I was imagine, maybe Postman Pat or Charlie Chalk have same way. If we watch how natural Pat Clifton’s move; how many are photos to make one film serial?
'Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat, and his black and white cat'
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