Tanya Dilema

Suatu pagi, di tengah-tengah pekerjaan, tiba-tiba ponselku berbunyi. Ada pesan di Facebook Messenger dari seorang temanku.

Seperti Nemo

Ada satu film yang bagiku aneh banget, yaitu Finding Nemo. Inti ceritanya kan ada seekor ayah ikan yang mencari anaknya. Yang aneh itu ternyata ikan ini bisa ngomong. Padahal kalopun ikan bisa ngomong, kan ikan ini ada di dalam air. Coba kita aja yang ngomong di dalam air, kedengeran nggak sama temen kita yang ada di deket kita.

Pakai Bahasa Indonesia

Dari sejak blog pertamaku aku selalu pengen mempertahankan ke-Indonesiaanku, khususnya dalam penggunaan bahasa Indonesia di setiap tulisan blogku. Bukan karena aku nggak bisa bahasa Mandarin, Jepang, Korea, atau India, bukan! Tapi sebenarnya emang nggak bisa sih, tapi bukan itu maksudnya.


Hobiku adalah membaca. Aku mendapatkannya dari sebuah majalah anak-anak. Jadi gini awal ceritanya, waktu itu ibuku mengirimkan foto dan dataku ke sebuah rubrik koresponden di majalah anak-anak itu. Dan di bagian hobinya, ibuku menuliskan kalo hobiku adalah membaca.

Power Bank

Di jaman gadget seperti sekarang ini, keberadaan smartphone menjadi bagian kehidupan bagi beberapa orang. Tapi di balik kecanggihan dan segala kelebihannya, ada salah satu sisi di mana smartphone justru lebih boros dalam pemakaian daya baterainya.

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Deception Point

I still wondering what makes the famous novelists’ novel interest, what story that makes someone can read thick and weight novel so long. Deception Point makes me can’t stop to read it. Actually it is a simple novel because it just tells about 2 – 3 adventure days, but it becomes extraordinary because it tells some facts, histories, and real secrets. It can be read how US’ intelligent secret describes so real (even US’ president secret code does), US’ military activity describes here. Otherwise, any sciences tell here. Accurate and believable author’s source and real, make this novel is very cool, beside the story can’t be predictable.

Just like Dan Brown’s novels before, The Da Vinci Code, Angel and Demon, Digital Fortress (and the last is The Lost Symbol), Deception Point has similar groove. How the man passes 2 – 4 days in a row on the danger with a trouble that rely the science and skill, and also unpredictable final that is perform the reality who is their enemies. It supports by real fact, which describe accurately by the author. If we looked before, the fact of secret group (in The Da Vinci Code, Angel & Demon, and The Lost Symbol), also describe clearly. In the other novels (Digital Fortress and Deception Point) rely advanced technology, military facility, and US’ intelligent, even president’s activity.

The question is does the secrets still keep or replace with brand new, because like ex US’ president, Bill Clinton, said that if this really open, so it can change world sight about everything in this universe.

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Postman Pat (English version)

Postman Pat is a television animation serial for English children, once produced by Woodland Animation. It tells about Pat Clifton, postman in Greendale fiction village (inspired by Longsleddale real valley in Cumbria).

Postman Pat has broadcasted in Indonesia in 1993s if I didn’t wrong (I forgot when it exactly for long time). This film was my entertainment and I almost always watch it even though I didn’t understood and difficult to knew the story, because I was in elementary school. It has funny animation picture, just not like the other film (that time there was Charlie Chalk that was similar film). It made me wonder how to make it, like the other cartoon or doll-moving used.

A few years ago, there was a film (I forgot the title), that was made by doll-moving in every scene and moved by photograph method, that was mean that in every scene the dolls were taken the picture and joined the photos finally. So if there was a scene to lift the hand, in every hand moved it was took the picture and then animated. It was almost looked like cartoon film but it wasn’t draw, but by photos.

Then I was imagine, maybe Postman Pat or Charlie Chalk have same way. If we watch how natural Pat Clifton’s move; how many are photos to make one film serial?

'Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat, and his black and white cat'

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Islam Stories' Packing and Challenging

All of story in holy book have good morality message for children personality development. They have deep morality lesson and wisdom. One of challenge to story writer is how to pack religion stories to more creative and interesting packs.

It really so many stories about Rasulullah SAW and his hundreds friends’ life, those all won’t dry to dig story sources, if the writter can pack it more creative and interesting, the children have to settle and enjoy it.

Rasulullah said, “Teach your children in three things, (one of them is): love to their prophet, and love to their family” (at Thabrani).

One of Rasulullah’s colleagues, Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas said, “We teach our children the history of Rasulullah SAW’s life, as we teach them al Qur’an”.

Recent time, children world fullfill with fantasy western stories, so it is not the curious case if the children set Superman, Batman, and the others as their idol and fictive figure.

Every Muslim have to like if their sons play war of swords with a stick of bamboo and shout “Allahu Akbar!”. They want to role as Hamzah, Ali, or Bilal. In other time, they talk about their each idol figure. What a pretty!

Alhamdulillah, recent now religion story books set in bookstore a lot. But if we compare with the other readings, it still so far. Just try to compare with Cinderella story and the others that have fulfilled bookstores and libraries before, with better and more creative pack.

The limitation should not bring the parents down to tell role stories to their children. That will be challenges that have to answer by creativity and art touch. To find story source, parents won’t get difficulty, because Islam story collections are so many and varieties. One thing that will be the difficult is how to create the stories to be the interesting stories.

One story in historical book has enough to be inspiration source. Parents should to be smart to develop it, add the other story to get children fantasy world. Moreover, it will completely add with talk style and face expression, add by model, it will children happiness itself.

Little events about Rasulullah’s nature, for example, if it tells like a tale, will make children familiar with it. Rasul generousness, friendliness, love, forgiveness, and all of his nature, will recognize to children well. Through this tale media, children will learn history without burdened to memorize or responsible it through lesson examines.

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012


Sometimes the rain gives extra bonus to man, that is an extraordinary beautiful view. That is a rainbow. Rainbow will clearly show if the sky clear after rain, without any clouds cover it. Seven colors combination show parabolic shape if we see it from the earth.

Javanese call the rainbow with 2 kinds, Tejo and Kluwung. Tejo is morning rainbow, lies in west, and it is very rare to see. So that ancient Javanese belief said, that Tejo is the sign of luck to everybody that is see it. The ancient Javanese was the creative people to make a faith. And Kluwung, shows in afternoon in east. This rainbow is often to see with us.

The cause of rainbow we have to know it. This rain bonus, just like the other wonder nature, often inspired to some arts, such as books, movies, songs, or paints. All that we have to think is how the rainbow forms by chance. There is big power that creates it. The power is written in ‘Pelangi’ song, he is Allah. Unfortunately, sometimes we just think it too scientists and left spiritual thinks.

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Perang Pariwara

Tanpa banyak berpikir pun, kita bisa mengamati bahwa sedang ada perang pariwara entah itu di media audio, media visual, ataupun media audio visual. Beberapa pariwara produk yang menyindir atau merendahkan produk-produk pesaingnya, sehingga memunculkan balasan dari produk-produk yang tersentil, dan seterusnya sampai malah menimbulkan kebingungan sendiri di kalangan masyarakat.

Padahal sebelum-sebelumnya persaingan pariwara berlangsung secara sehat, masing-masing produk memunculkan keunggulan-keunggulan dari produknya masing-masing. Namun yang terjadi sekarang bukan hanya memunculkan keunggulan produknya, tapi juga membesarkan kekurangan-kekurangan dari produk-produk sejenis yang lain. Sehingga pariwara tersebut merusak persaingan sehat, terlebih lagi bisa melanggar etika pemasaran.

Bukan hanya di layar kaca yang bisa terlihat secara nyata bagi semua pemirsanya, bahkan di media lain juga makin bermunculan. Porsi pemasaran yang mungkin terbatas, ditambah lagi banyaknya cakupan pasar yang harus dibagi oleh produsen sejenis, makin menambah saling sikut dan adu jotos di media pemasaran berupa pariwara ini. Berebut pangsa pasar dengan beriklan sehat dirasa belum cukup untuk merebut konsumen sebanyak-banyaknya, masih juga harus menyebut merk lain secara terselubung tapi nyata.

Memang begitulah strategi yang lagi ngetrend saat ini. Tergantung dari para masyarakat sendiri dalam menyikapinya, apakah akan menjadi korban iklan, atau bisa jadi masyarakat lebih bijak memilih. Salah satu porsi pariwara yang cukup unik adalah iklan rokok, karena iklan-iklan produk rokok cenderung lebih kreatif, mengingat kemunculannya terutama lewat media audio visual di televisi sangat terbatas. Namun mereka mampu membuat para pemirsa televisi mengingat iklan-iklan tersebut melalui motto-motto mereka dan iklan-iklan komersial mereka. Terlebih lagi karena iklan rokok jaman sekarang tidak lagi memunculkan produk rokok ataupun bahkan orang yang merokok dalam adegan iklannya. Bisa dikatakan bahwa iklan rokok sekarang ini lebih menjual pengalaman menggunakan dalam iklannya ketimbang produknya sendiri.

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012


“Mas, badhe rental.”

“Nggih Pak, monggo!”

Begitu komputer disiapkan, maka bapak tadi dipersilakan untuk memakai komputer.

“Mau direntalkan, Mas!”, kata bapak itu kemudian sambil terbingung-bingung.

“Oh, mau minta mengetikkan ya, Pak?”

“Iya Mas.”

Kebiasaan kebanyakan orang Indonesia menggunakan kata serapan dari bahasa asing untuk kegunaan yang sebenarnya berbeda dengan arti kata tersebut, meskipun secara maksud mungkin banyak orang yang bisa mengerti. Salah satunya adalah kata “rental” tadi. Maksudnya mau minta diketikkan, eh bilangnya rental. Padahal rental sendiri berarti menyewa atau persewaan. Mungkin karena banyak tempat pengetikan dan persewaan komputer yang memasang kata “rental” di depan lapaknya, jadinya seperti itu, orang jadi menganggap mengetik itu bahasa kerennya merental.

Gak tau juga, sampai sekarang aku juga belum menemui, apakah ada orang yang mau minta diketikkan makalah di tempat rental mobil atau rental film.

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