Tanya Dilema

Suatu pagi, di tengah-tengah pekerjaan, tiba-tiba ponselku berbunyi. Ada pesan di Facebook Messenger dari seorang temanku.

Seperti Nemo

Ada satu film yang bagiku aneh banget, yaitu Finding Nemo. Inti ceritanya kan ada seekor ayah ikan yang mencari anaknya. Yang aneh itu ternyata ikan ini bisa ngomong. Padahal kalopun ikan bisa ngomong, kan ikan ini ada di dalam air. Coba kita aja yang ngomong di dalam air, kedengeran nggak sama temen kita yang ada di deket kita.

Pakai Bahasa Indonesia

Dari sejak blog pertamaku aku selalu pengen mempertahankan ke-Indonesiaanku, khususnya dalam penggunaan bahasa Indonesia di setiap tulisan blogku. Bukan karena aku nggak bisa bahasa Mandarin, Jepang, Korea, atau India, bukan! Tapi sebenarnya emang nggak bisa sih, tapi bukan itu maksudnya.


Hobiku adalah membaca. Aku mendapatkannya dari sebuah majalah anak-anak. Jadi gini awal ceritanya, waktu itu ibuku mengirimkan foto dan dataku ke sebuah rubrik koresponden di majalah anak-anak itu. Dan di bagian hobinya, ibuku menuliskan kalo hobiku adalah membaca.

Power Bank

Di jaman gadget seperti sekarang ini, keberadaan smartphone menjadi bagian kehidupan bagi beberapa orang. Tapi di balik kecanggihan dan segala kelebihannya, ada salah satu sisi di mana smartphone justru lebih boros dalam pemakaian daya baterainya.

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012


All we know that chili is hot, because salty is salt. So, what make the chili hot? There thing named capsaicin in chili, this is hot source. It is so strong until it will give strong effect even in a few accounts.

Then, how does the hot come? In our feeling system there are any accepted pain sensor molecule layers. The pain sensor activated by hot, acid, and any other chemical reaction. When capsaicin touches pain sensor, feeling system was reacted and effected to “hot”. Then body was reacted to increase metabolism, just like when headed to disease attack.

How to lose the hot? Never use the water because it no use at all. Capsaicin molecule is hard to soluble by water. It is better to use milk because it can tie capsaicin. So the hot goes faster, because it was tied by milk that flows to humans gastric.

It is effective to lose the hot in our mouth. If the eye feels hot, never give it milk!!!

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


If we call Cleopatra, we will remember about Egyptian beautiful queen. But wait for a second, which Cleopatra do we say? Because in ancient Egypt history, actually there are seven queens named Cleopatra.

So, which one the most famous and the most beautiful? She is Cleopatra VII. She attract two Roman emperors in different eras with her beauty, they are Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony.

By Cleopatra’s appeal, Roman’s Triumvirate (three emperors) fights one another. Mark Anthony left his wife, Octavianus’ sister to get Cleopatra. It made Octavianus so angry. He attacked Mark Anthony and Cleopatra with his fighter soldiers. Mark Anthony and Cleopatra’s soldier lost in Actium, Greece, in 33 B.C.

Just like fifteen centuries too early Romeo and Juliet roman, Mark Anthony and Cleopatra desired to continue their love in eternal world. They were suicide. Mark Anthony killed himself by sword, and finally died in Cleopatra’s arm. While the queen killed herself by let herself bite with Asp snake (Egyptian cobra).

After Cleopatra death, Egypt fell in Octavianus’ arm, while he became the Roman’s Greatest Emperor with new name: Augustus, which recently named as month name.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Around the Village

In the past time, when my hospital was went to hold public activity, free examine, cheap medication, or new service promo, we always spread the invitations or brochures. Male staff, especially non medic, gathered in the hospital then went by motorcycle together, with brochures to any areas; it could be same or different areas.

The areas are village and downtown areas which I’ve never there yet. So, if we went to those areas, we must often ask to people on the road, or maybe ring the bell to gathered people. The advantage was it made me know where the roads I’ve never passed yet, which areas that I even didn’t know the name, hospital’s village ranges, even the beautiful natural view, too. But it was so many funny experienced and unhappy conditions. I with my friend closed to a guy in front of his house, my friend held the conversation with him while he gave the brochure and explains to him. That guy was silent. Not too long later, his neighbor came to us and told us that the guy was insane!!!

When we held brand new service promo in pregnant gym, we went around the village while we looked to ladies stomach. If they looked like pregnant, we stopped, explained and gave the brochure, but if not we passed. The result was by passed 3 districts, just less than 50 ladies we met. Maybe the pregnant ladies were lazy to go house out.

It was fun to get new places and areas, because when one day I pass there again, I can remember the way.

Indonesian Version

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012


One night, I met with one lady, brought me a difficult enough thing to do. A database program that I didn’t do yet and I never did it, and she asked me to print the content. So, that night, I failed to do the task, even though I have tried. That lady said that she would back tomorrow night to try again. So, I didn’t want to fail again in second time, and fortunately I had a friend that he could do it. But unfortunately, printed couldn’t set to particular paper, a patent setting!

In my daily activities, it is my usual to run a database program. In my office, there are some kinds of database program, at least 3 kinds. First, accounting program, Visual FoxPro based compile. Second, Microsoft Access’ based billing system. Then, Biofinger absent program, I don’t know what it based to, but clearly compiled. It is add with SQL Server program.

For compiled program, the setting is patent, so user can’t set it again. But database’s entry still can be exported to do with the other program, such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. In other hand, Microsoft Access based program still can be modified easily and also can be exported easily, too.

In that lady’s program, there aren’t menu in the printed entry result that showed if the entry could be printed in some options, exported, or set the paper. Really patent!

The things that would be confused to people are in database program, the entry could be some aspect, which could be uncorrelated to the result. But then the output is just such a summary of entry data. That made the lady was confused, she enter many data to many form, but the output just a few. She also asked about some data entries, and she said that it was wasted her time to enter many data. But the data that didn’t out were support output data, so it didn’t waste her time.

In addition, she was the first one that printed the data, so it could be some result to compare about the truth of printed result.

One case that could be the example to explain was I enter new patient data. In the form, there are rows to enter job, blood type, and others, that actually the data useless when I enter to patient list, but the data become useful as patient’s information, that maybe needed someday.

To enter database’s data, it was needed accurate and patient. If I enter staff schedule for one month later in finger print absent software, for example. Everyone, in everyday, in one month, has different schedule one another, the entry couldn’t be entered in one task and couldn’t be copied. In the past, when the first time using billing system for hospital’s data system, I had to enter thousands old patient’s data one by one, and I had to find double registered for one person.

Finally, the lady accepted the printed result; with some explain to make her understand. She could to understand it, and I suggested to her if there were her friends that had printed their works too, it could be compared so that it wouldn’t be the wrong task before it were gathered.

Indonesian version

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