Once upon a time, suddenly I remember about one book that I was borrowed from my friend, titled ‘Duratmoko Sinatriyo’, a Javanese book, if it translated would be named Knightly Thief.
I forget how the originally story detail, but briefly I remember the core of this book. The story concisely like this:
One day, a thief came to a rich house, far away from his own house. But, when he acted to steal, the sacred guard saw him. Then, both of them fight each other. One chance, the guard almost wound the thief with his weapon. But the thief led his back to the guard and hugged the tree. The guard might not wound the thief for the back, so he asked the thief to turn around to him. But the thief mightn’t, and he asked the condition to postpone the fighting for three weeks, so that he can meet his family for the last time before they were apart. The guard agreed it, and they had the deal to meet again in the same place and same act. Finally both of them got apart and the thief back to his village to meet his family. In the set time, both of them meet again and back to their same position like before. The thief hugged the tree and the guard would wound from the thief’s back. Because the thief wouldn’t turn back, so the guard digs the hole in the tree, till it emerged to the thief’s chest. But finally the guard might not to kill the thief because the thief pay his promise back, whereas he know that he will be killed by the powerful guard. And finally they held the friendship until they back to their each life.
From this story, it actually not just the thief that knightly, but the guard also shows his knightly. The thief back to his fight and head the guard’s execution, although he know that his chance to run away very thin. The guard, he would not to wound the thief from the thief’s back, because his act isn’t show the honorable for him.
The respect between the guard and the thief has ended by the friendship. Does the story exist in this real world? Do knight thief, or thief knight?
Versi Bahasa Indonesia di sini
I forget how the originally story detail, but briefly I remember the core of this book. The story concisely like this:
One day, a thief came to a rich house, far away from his own house. But, when he acted to steal, the sacred guard saw him. Then, both of them fight each other. One chance, the guard almost wound the thief with his weapon. But the thief led his back to the guard and hugged the tree. The guard might not wound the thief for the back, so he asked the thief to turn around to him. But the thief mightn’t, and he asked the condition to postpone the fighting for three weeks, so that he can meet his family for the last time before they were apart. The guard agreed it, and they had the deal to meet again in the same place and same act. Finally both of them got apart and the thief back to his village to meet his family. In the set time, both of them meet again and back to their same position like before. The thief hugged the tree and the guard would wound from the thief’s back. Because the thief wouldn’t turn back, so the guard digs the hole in the tree, till it emerged to the thief’s chest. But finally the guard might not to kill the thief because the thief pay his promise back, whereas he know that he will be killed by the powerful guard. And finally they held the friendship until they back to their each life.
From this story, it actually not just the thief that knightly, but the guard also shows his knightly. The thief back to his fight and head the guard’s execution, although he know that his chance to run away very thin. The guard, he would not to wound the thief from the thief’s back, because his act isn’t show the honorable for him.
The respect between the guard and the thief has ended by the friendship. Does the story exist in this real world? Do knight thief, or thief knight?
Versi Bahasa Indonesia di sini
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